Spring Walk+roll in medford

Spring Walk+roll in medford

Overall, there was a great statewide turnout for the May Walk+Roll Challenge! Thank you to everyone who planned and put on Walk+Roll events. SRTS in Medford celebrated with a Spring Walk+Roll on May 8th for National Bike+Roll to School Day. Julie Van Horn, SRTS...
Launch of Activity Kits

Launch of Activity Kits

Almost all activity kits have been distributed, which include the walking school bus, bike bus, circulation, and crossing guard kits. Thank you to all who signed up to receive one or more activity kits. We are so excited to hear from you about your experiences with...
Idle-free Resources

Idle-free Resources

It is Earth Month! Let’s reduce our environmental impact by being idle-free and encouraging others to do so as well.   Ready to get started? Follow these steps for organizing a successful anti-idle campaign:  “Get your principal’s approval to hold an anti-idle...
SRTS Demonstration

SRTS Demonstration

Megan Ramey, Safe Routes to School Manager, got Hood River Middle Schoolers to creatively participate and weigh in on the temporary separated bikeway and side path by the school.   “From August to October last year, the streets of 17th, 18th and May were...