Jump Start fleet lands in Baker City

Jump Start fleet lands in Baker City

The Street Trust’s Jump Start program allows school districts and communities to create a unique local bicycle and pedestrian education program. For the 2018-2019 school year, the Jump Start equipment, complete with training will be in Baker City with Community...

See who’s walking and rolling to School in October!

It’s a family affair at High Lakes Elementary in Bend on October 10, 2018 Multnomah County Sheriff’s officers helped students safely cross busy 223rd on the way to Fairview Elementary in Portland. Little sister at the walk to Meadows Elementary who wanted...
Build it and they will walk (and bike)!

Build it and they will walk (and bike)!

Oregon communities came out in large numbers to express their intent to build sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes, and other safety features to help more kids bike and walk to school. One hundred and 40 Letters of Intent (LOI) arrived at ODOT’s Active...

Walking School Bus article in School Bus Fleet News

Thank you to the School Bus Fleet website for covering the launch of our Walking School Bus Program. The program provides meeting points, timetables, and a rotating schedule of trained volunteers to lead the processions. Commute Options said that the volunteer leaders...

SRTS Infrastructure Important Deadline!

The ODOT Safe Routes to School Competitive Infrastructure Grant Program runs in two year cycles with the first round of funds awarded in 2019. Cities, counties, tribes, transit districts, ODOT, and other road authorizes are encouraged to apply for projects that...