Learn the details of how the Massachusetts statewide Safe Routes to School program supports more than 800 elementary and middle schools and delivers relevant and equitable content. Through flagship days, pedestrian and bike safety training, parent surveys and more, their team works to keep kids safe and healthy throughout the Commonwealth.
The speaker is Diane Hanson who managed the Club Ride program (TDM) for AECOM in Las Vegas. Her Club Ride team was awarded a Clean Air Excellence Award through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2015 and a Gold Medal and “Best of” Supporting Agency from the Center for Urban Transportation Research. Ms. Hanson also accepted an Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) award for marketing and outreach for the MassRIDES and MassCommute Excellence in Commuter Options Awards (2016). She holds two BA degrees in International Studies and Spanish from Pepperdine University and an MBA from the University of Denver. She is also a certified Project Management Professional through PMI and AECOM. Ms. Hanson currently serves as the President of the ACT Patriot Chapter.