High School SRTS 

We’re excited to announce the new High School SRTS program! Check back as we get more resources, programming and information  for you.

Statewide Sticker Contest

We are inviting Oregon high school students to design a creative and eye-catching sticker that encourages students to walk, bike, ride transit, or carpool to school. The sticker will be part of our new campaign to promote sustainable transportation and safer routes to school. The winning design will be used on stickers that will be distributed in high schools across the state of Oregon. Submissions will be accepted through February 28th. 

Click here for more information and how to enter! 

Downloadable flyers here:

High School Task Force

We are recruiting 5 high school students to participate in a task force to help create safer routes to school for high school students across the state. They will be a leader in their schools developing skills in teamwork, problem solving, and advocacy. This task force will get the opportunity to work with experts in the field of transportation including public officials and make their mark on their high school community. If you or someone you know might be interested apply by February 14th! Click this link to apply.

Are you a SRTS practitioner, teacher, parent of staff member looking to recruit students for the task force? Click here for some downloadable recruitment materials to spread the word via social media or newsletter.