Oregon Safe Routes to School Partners
Technical Assistance Providers
The following organizations provide technical assistance to local SRTS practitioners and support SRTS efforts across the state:
- Alta Planning + Design is an active transportation company dedicated to creating active, healthy communities through planning, landscape architecture, engineering, and education/encouragement programs. Alta leads the Construction and Planning technical assistance, and coordinate the Willamette Valley and Coast Hub.
- Commute Options is dedicated to innovative transportation options that connect people of all ages to the places they go. They coordinate the Central, Eastern and Southern Hub.
- The Street Trust advocates for multimodal transportation options that prioritize safety, accessibility, equity and climate justice in the Portland Metro Region. They coordinate the Portland Metro/Area 1 Hub.
- Cycle Oregon is dedicated to transforming individuals and communities through bicycling. They are leading the bicycle education curriculum.
- Cogito specializes in bringing the public into sophisticated dialogue about transportation, land use, and economic issues. They facilitate ODOT’s Safe Routes Advisory Committee
- Multicultural Collaborative builds capacity in institutions and empower communities of color by having a voice in policy and decision-making. They are leading a statewide Power Analysis.