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Rapid Response Construction Grants
Eligible entities: tribes, cities, counties, transit districts, and other road authorities may apply at any time.
Timeline: applications are open any time and subject to the guidelines for the respective funding cycle. This means that applications submitted in 2025 and 2026 are subject to 2025-2026 project eligibility.
Application process:
- Step 1: read guidelines to determine project eligibility and watch an information webinar. Applicants are strongly encouraged to fill out a letter of intent (LOI) prior to filling out the application to discuss eligibility. The Program Manager will consult with the consulting Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee-Rapid Response Subcommittee on each LOI and respond to the LOI in approximately 10 days.
- Step 2: submit the online application.
- Attach the required signed signature pages:
- Rapid Response Grants Fact Sheet
- Sign up to receive grant program updates
- Combined rapid response & competitive construction one-pager
- View the applicant map tool with school demographics (This data is pulled from specific ODE sources and not exhaustive of all Oregon schools. Please refer to your school district for any demographics missing on this map.)
- Past funded projects map
If you have additional questions please contact Xao Posadas (Construction Program Manager, xao.posadas@odot.oregon.gov) or Heidi Manlove (Education Program Manager, heidi.manlove@odot.oregon.gov).