Upcoming Webinars
April Webinar: Bike Theft Prevention – April 15th, 2025 11am-12pm. Register here.
May Webinar: Innovation Grantee Share Out – May 20th, 2025 11am – 12pm.
Previous Webinars
March Webinar: Building a Bike Fleet
Tuesday, March 18th, 2025| 11-12 pm
Join us for a webinar on building a bike fleet for your bike safety programming. We will have Shawne Martinez and Becky Newman of Cycle Oregon’s JumpStart program talking with us on how they have built their bike fleets along with time for Q+A to go into specific questions folks have. See you there!
February Webinar: Walking School Buses
Tuesday, February 18, 2025| 11-12 pm
Join us for our February webinar on walking school buses! We’ll be joined by two SRTS practitioners to talk about their experiences leading walking school buses. We will have time for discussion after their presentation so bring questions!
January Webinar: The Value and Impact of Traffic Gardens
Tuesday, January 21, 2025| 11-12 pm
Join us on January 21st for a conversation with Fionnuala Quinn of Discover Traffic Gardens– a small business committed to providing services, resources, and expertise to support the growth of traffic gardens and demonstrate their value for communities. Their goal is to create engaging spaces where children and new riders can build independent walking and biking skills, while learning about safe and thoughtful street design. Fionnuala will talk about how to build a traffic garden, challenges and successes associated with them and explore available resources to help kickstart your project.
November Webinar: Community Rides + Bike Safety
Tuesday, December 10 2024| 11-12 pm
Join us for a presentation and discussion covering what community rides are in bike safety programming, how to organize them, and their importance. We will be joined by safe routes coordinators who have experience running these rides and hear about their challenges, successes and suggestions for individuals wanting to incorporate community rides into their bike safety programming.
October Webinar: SRTS Activity Kit Launch!
Tuesday, October 15, 2024| 11-12 pm
Join us for the launch of this years’ Activity Kits! Learn about what are included in the kits, how to order them and hear from Safe Routes practitioners from across the state who have used kits in the past.
September Webinar: Creative Uses of District Funding for Safe Routes
Tuesday, September 17, 2024| 11-12 pm
This month we were be joined by Eugene 4J Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Sarah Mazze, who shared how Eugene 4J has creatively funded crossing guard programs with funding through House Bill 3014 (Bike Bus Bill). We discussed the challenges, successes, and lessons learned from 4J.
August Webinar – Bike Buses
Tuesday, August 20, 2024| 11-12pm
Wanting to expand your Walking School Bus or Bike Bus? Join us as we hear Shawne Martinez (Tigard) as he talk about the challenges, successes and ever evolving nature of his bike bus program and his experiences navigating promotion, school involvement, route finding and so much more.
June Webinar – Rail Safety and Safe Routes to School
Tuesday, June 18, 2024| 11-12:30pm
In a collaborative effort, Oregon Operation Lifesaver’s Jessica Keene and Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools Program’s Stephanie Jim presented a rail safety education webinar. Keene addressed the importance of rail safety and curriculum delivery, while Jim explained how Alameda County’s SRTS program adapted the Operation Lifesaver materials for their students. The informative session concluded with an interactive Q&A for attendees.
May: MOTHERLOAD Community Screening
Tuesday, May 21, 2024| 11-12:30pm
We watched the film MOTHERLOAD, which was about a mother learning to lean into her curiosity about bikes as a means of transportation for her family. Topics such as climate change, isolation, parenthood, biking, and so much more were explored.
This screening could not be recorded. However, you can learn more about this documentary here.
April WEBINAR: Idle-Free Campaign Resources & Inspiration
Tuesday, April 16, 2024| 11-12pm
We were joined by Julia Sanders, Beaverton School District’s SRTS Assistant Coordinator, who talked about Beaverton’s SRTS idle-free resources and campaign. This was a great opportunity to learn, discuss, and ask questions about idle-free. Plus, we had statewide announcements and updates to share!
Helpful Link to Review:
Tuesday, March 19, 2024| 11-12pm
We hosted a virtual webinar on SRTS educational materials, walk+roll incentives, and how you can order them. Heidi Manlove, ODOT SRTS Education Program Manager, talked about the SRTS education materials, and Lindsay Huber, ODOT SRTS Technical Assistance Provider, talked about the walk+roll incentives. This was a great opportunity to learn, discuss, and ask questions about educational materials and incentives. Plus, we had statewide announcements and new resources to share!
Helpful Links to Review:
Pre-Recorded Safe Routes to School Grant Solicitation Webinar
Thursday, January 25, 2024|
This webinar was recorded by ODOT SRTS Education Program Manager Heidi Manlove and ODOT SRTS Construction Program Manager Xao Posadas. It will get you excited and prepared to apply for one or more of the grant opportunities!
Correction to the webinar: low-income metric will be using Title1A data and not Free & Reduced Lunch data. Current Free & Reduced Lunch Percentages still include Free & Reduced Lunch for All percentages and do not accurately reflect income levels. ODOT staff have updated the Applicant Resource Tool with this low-income information.
Please see the SRTS Find Funding Page for more information about the grant opportunities (all information related to the ODOT SRTS Grants will be on the page by Feb. 12th).
Tuesday, January 16, 2024| 11:00 – 12:00pm
Adaptive PE Panel
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
Recently, Oregon SRTS has expanded pedestrian and bike safety offerings to young students across the state. These classes are now being taught in PE classes, expanding access to safety education. However, some schools and coordinators still struggle to find ways to meaningfully include students with disabilities in these courses. Join us for our October webinar as expert panelists discuss ways SRTS coordinators and educators can create processes to include all students.
For this panel discussion, we are joined by:
- Dr.Megan MacDonald, Oregon State University
- Kirsten French, NW Association for Blind Athletes
- Dr. Andrew Pitchford, Oregon State University
- Ann Donaca, Bike First
High School Engagement
Tuesday, September 19, 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
Safe Routes programming in Oregon has primarily focused on elementary and middle school students. The last federal transportation legislation, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, enabled high schools to be eligible for SRTS funding, and now many communities are interested in engaging high school students to help them find safer travel options to school and to empower them to make their communities safer places to walk and roll.
Join Gwen Froh (Program Director for Marin Safe Routes to School) and Michele Walker (Safe Routes to School Coordinator for TransForm with Alameda County) as they share how they are engaging high school students in innovative ways. They’ll provide insight on different methods for bringing high school students into SRTS programming, and share lessons learned.
Liability & First Aid
Tuesday, August 15, 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
Understanding liability and first aid are essential to a successful SRTS program. Having a plan to address common injuries students may face helps build trust with community partners, and ease concerns of liability. During our August webina, Kori Johnson (the National Safe Routes Partnership) spoke about liability and what it means for SRTS.
Following this, Jessie Wilson (LaGrande Parks & Recreation and SRTS Coordinator) leads us through some first aid basics, and what to do in situations you may encounter while leading SRTS programs.
Back to School with ODE & ODOT 2023
Tuesday, July 18, 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
Summer is in full swing – but the 2023-24 school year is just around the corner!
Join us as we hear from Heidi Manlove (ODOT SRTS Education Program Manager) and Brock Dittus (ODE Pupil Transportation Department) discuss upcoming opportunities for SRTS advocates this fall. Brock will give an update on what we can expect for school busing. Kim Curly (Commute Options) will give a tutorial of School Pool, a ride sharing tool that can be used by SRTS coordinators and schools to create carpools for getting students to and from school.
Supporting LGBTQIA2S+ Youth in SRTS
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 | 11:00 – 12:30PM
*The recording of this webinar is available upon request*
LGBTQIA2S+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and two-spirit) youth participate in SRTS programming every day, and as SRTS champions it is important to continue encouraging their participation and ensure programs are safe and exciting. Aryn Zanca and V Rosales (Bridge 13, a program of New Avenues for Youth) will discuss terminology and basic concepts to create a shared base of knowledge, before exploring gender and sexuality, and diving into pronoun/name best practices. To allow time for questions, this webinar will be 90 minutes. We ask that you bring an open mind and curiosity to show up for and support LGBTQIA2S+ youth.
Safe Routes Abroad: Lessons from Denmark and Sweden
Tuesday, May 16, 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
Did you know that the concept for Safe Routes to School began in Odense, Denmark?
Join Sarah Mazze (SRTS Coordinator Eugene 4J) and Shane Rhodes (Transportation Options Manager for the City of Eugene) tell us about their trip to Denmark – where they learned about how students get to and from school. They’ll share inspiring lessons on how we can bring some Danish tools into our programming in Oregon.
Crossing Guards
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
Crossing guards play an important role in getting students to and from school safely, and there are many ways you can train, promote, and encourage crossing guards in your community.
Join us for our March Statewide Webinar as Kristin Haukom (Alta Planning+Design) and Leah Biado-Luis (Beaverton School District SRTS) share examples of how crossing guard programs work throughout the US and in Oregon.
School Streets
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
A School Street is when a road outside of a school is partially or completely shut down to motor traffic during student drop off and pick up times. Join our February webinar to hear from experts on how to bring School Streets to your community. Practitioners share their experiences, and answer questions from the audience in a panel format.
Panel Speakers:
- John Yi is the Executive Director for Los Angeles Walks and has been a community organizer for over a decade and a half. His experience includes fighting Big Tobacco, organizing parents around education justice, and representing his community of Koreatown in Los Angeles.
- Margot Ocañas, a Supervising Transportation Planner, launched and manages the City’s Safe Routes to School Program, focusing on community-centred planning that has supported infrastructure, safety treatments, and street redesign projects, totalling over $90M. SRTS has pioneered tactical urbanism pop ups to ensure robust community engagement, and leads in quick build projects in advance of project permanent build-out. She is currently building off the SRTS model to launch the City’s Neighborhood Enhanced Network program with a focus on grids of corridors that prioritize active transportation safety and comfort.
- Diane Walsh works as a transportation planner for the Seattle Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School Program. She manages the School Streets program, which is currently transitioning into a permanent program.
- Sean Meehan is the Research Project Manager for the New Jersey Safe Routes Resource Center at the Alan M Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University. The focus of Sean’s work has been on active, sustainable transportation and working with multi-disciplined stakeholders and partners to help individuals and communities integrate these healthy and physically active forms of transportation into daily routines.
School Circulation
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
Traffic circulation around schools, and processes for arrival and dismissal, can create big impacts in increasing the safety for students walking and rolling. There are many ways schools and communities can implement new practices to prioritize safety. Hannah Day-Kapell (Alta Planning+Design) presents tools to improve school circulation, and how your community can implement them.
Engaging Houseless Students & Families in Safe Routes
Tuesday, October 18, 2022 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
View this webinar to learn about how your Safe Routes to School programs can support students and families experiencing houselessness. Nathan Engkjer from Bike Works by p:ear shares his experiences working with youth and families experiencing houselessness, and offers insight on how you can create more inclusive, supportive Safe Routes programming.
Boosting Your SRTS Programming: New & Existing Resources from ODOT and Beyond
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
The 2022-’23 school year has started! Take advantage of resources provided by ODOT and groups around the state to help make your programs successful.
In this webinar, the Technical Assistance Provider team introduced new toolkits developed by ODOT SRTS this past summer and unveiled the New Coordinator Toolkit and the Rural Practitioner Toolkit, aimed at assisting SRTS advocates around the state in creating and growing great programs. Xao Posadas presented resources developed by PBOT to help students, schools and families prepare for a year of walking and rolling to school.
After the main presentation, participants split into breakout rooms where they had the chance to share resources they have developed with their organizations, as well as give recommendations on what resources they would like to see developed.
Preparing for the 2022-23 School Year: Planning Walk+Roll Events
Tuesday, August 23, 2022 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
Fall is a great time to encourage students to walk and roll throughout the new school year, and Walk+Roll events are a great place to start!
Join us for part 2 of our fall planning series and get tips on how to plan successful events that are fun for all. Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) team members will share resources to help you plan your events, and Safe Routes coordinators will share tips on how they’ve had successful events in the past.
Preparing for the 2022-23 School Year: Refresh the Back to School Commute
Tuesday, July 19, 2022 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
The 2022-23 school year is just around the corner! Join part one of our summer planning series to learn about ways you can refresh schools commutes in your community.
Brock Dittus (Pupil Transportation at the Oregon Department of Education) will give an update on school bussing this coming year, so you have the knowledge to prepare your students and community for what they can expect this fall. SRTS coordinators Whitney Bennett (Commute Options, Bend) and Megan Ramey (Bikabout, Hood River) will discuss their plans for encouraging walking and rolling in their communities this fall. Participants will also be provided with resources to help plan student travel this coming year.
Jump Start: Train the Trainer Program for Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Education
Tuesday, June 15, 2022 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
Join Technical Assistance Program team members Clint Culpepper (Cycle Oregon) and Lindsay Huber (the Street Trust) as they introduce the newly revamped Train the Trainer program for bicycle and pedestrian safety education. Learn about what the program covers, what new resources are available, and how you can participate!
Place It! Tools for engaging Latino community members in Safe Routes to School
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
Join James Rojas from Place It! Place It! is an interactive tool that gives practitioners the resources they need to create equitable, walkable communities for all. James demonstrates tools specifically geared toward engaging Latino community members, and presents case studies to guide outreach efforts. You can learn more about Place It! before the webinar here: www.placeit.org
A Conversation with Klamath Tribes and Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation on Safe Routes
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
Join transportation experts, Dani Schulte from Confederated Tribes the of Umatilla Indian Reservation, and Jared Hill and Les Anderson of the Klamath Tribes, as they discuss their Safe Routes to Schools Programs. The Oregon SRTS TAP team will also share a short presentation on Tribal communities in Oregon, and ways you can learn more about the Tribal lands you live on.
Creating Sustainable Schools
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 | 12:00 – 1:00PM
Join Oregon Safe Routes to School and the team from Oregon Green Schools for an interactive discussion on how Safe Routes programming can contribute to more sustainable, greener school programming throughout Oregon. Participants will join small group discussions to share experiences and knowledge with one another. Come to learn more about Oregon Green Schools, find ways SRTS can support their development, and envision a sustainability oriented future for your school or organization.
ODOT SRTS Grants Webinar
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 | 12:00 – 1:30PM
In early 2022, ODOT will solicit proposals for $26 million in Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Construction grants, about $1 million for SRTS Education grants, and up to 30 communities to receive planning assistance from our Project Identification Program.
At this online workshop, ODOT staff will present a program overview and answer questions about ODOT’s Safe Routes to School grant funding and resource opportunities. The presentation will cover solicitation specifics including, timeline, eligibility, proposal selection process and priorities, match requirements, and proposal development tips. The target audiences include tribes, city, county, transit agency staff, non-profit organizations, and interested public school representatives.
Connecting Students to Safe Routes though Art Contests
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 | 12:00 – 1:00PM
Art contests are a great way to engage kids in Safe Routes to School, whether they’re in the classroom or at home. Hear from practitioners from across Oregon about the art contests they run and their suggestions for best practices when creating your own!
Centering Black & Brown Experiences: Walking While Black and Celebrating Ruby Bridges
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 | 12:00 – 1:00PM
ODOT SRTS aims to create inclusive programs for all students and families, where they can feel safe and secure walking and rolling to school. Unfortunately, for many in Oregon, walking and rolling can feel unsafe. Join us on October 19th at noon, with speaker Ashton Simpson (Oregon Walks) who will talk about the issues Black and Brown community members face, and give insight on how to make SRTS programs better for all. The SRTS Technical Assistance team will also discuss Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day, which celebrates 6 year old Ruby’s heroism and bravery, and ways to promote safe walking and biking while it gets darker, colder and rainier in Oregon.
Creating, Growing, and Sustaining Walking School Bus and Bike Train Programs
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 | 12:00 – 1:00PM
Walking School Busses and Bike Trains are a great, active way for students to get to and from school, while socializing with friends and learning pedestrian and bike safety. Join the Oregon Safe Routes to School team to learn how to start, grow, and sustain a Walking School Bus and Bike Train program in your community.
Planning Fall Walk+Roll Day Events
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 | 12:00 – 1:00PM
Join the Oregon SRTS team to learn more about resources to plan your International Walk+Roll to School Day event in October, along with new Walk+Roll events to keep students moving throughout the fall and winter.
Back to School Commutes with ODOT and Oregon Department of EducationTuesday, July 20, 2021 | 12:00 – 1:00PM
After an unprecedented year, this fall’s return to school is the perfect time to encourage new school commutes, and emphasize social and emotional wellness. The Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Department of Transportation teamed up with education and transit leaders throughout Oregon, and shared examples of ways they are innovating on SRTS.
ODOT SRTS Regional Hub Launch
Thursday, June 24, 2021 | 2:00 – 3:00PM
This webinar covered the new regional hub structure for SRTS practitioners and providers, provided insight on how to plug in to the new model, and shared what the state program has in store for this year.
ToGo Annual Meeting
Friday, June 4th, 2021 | 10:00 – 12:15PM
The Transportation Options Group of Oregon met to discuss new programs, updates from ODOT and SRTS, and more!
Get There Oregon SchoolPool Tool Training
Friday, May 7, 2021 | 10:00 – 11:00AM
Get There Oregon, a statewide trip planning and ride-matching tool recently launched Get There SchoolPool to help families share the ride to school.
RideAmigos, the third party vendor that operates the Get There platform, offered a training for Oregon Transportation Options and SRTS practitioners who are interested in using the new tool. Learn how Get There SchoolPool could help you or your organization.
Bike Rodeo Webinar
Thursday, May 6, 2021 | 1:00 – 2:00PM
Prepare to host a healthy, fun bike rodeo for the Walk+Roll Spring Challenge with Bike Rodeo Tips & Tricks. Laughton Elliot-DeAngelis and Sarah Mazze will share different ways to implement this fun event.
ODOT Resource Webinar
Tuesday, April 13, 2021 | 9:00 – 10:00AM
Oregon Safe Routes to School Annual Meeting – Session 3
Wednesday, August 19, 2020 | 11:00 – 12:00PM
- Welcome
- Overview of October’s Walk + Roll to School Day – Lindsay
- Breakout group number 1 – Encouragement & Incentives
- Breakout group number 2 – Other Ways of Engaging Schools & Families
- Reminders & Thank you!
Oregon Safe Routes to School Annual Meeting – Session 2
Wednesday, August 5, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:00PM
Oregon Safe Routes to School Annual Meeting – Session 1
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:00PM
Overview on the SRTS Network and LC goals (5 minutes) · Purpose of Annual Meeting Series (2 minutes) · ODOT Safe Routes to School program updates (3 minutes) · The New E: Engagement + Q &A (45 minutes) · Next steps and preparation for next meeting (5 minutes) www.oregonsaferoutes.org
Engineering and Infrastructure
Thursday, June 4, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:00PM
As SRTS practitioners, gaps in infrastructure are constantly coming to light. Whether, through walk audits, action planning, or concerned parents the list grows. Prioritizing these projects for funding in transparent, objective, and equitable ways is an important part of the work. Learn about several tools that Oregon practitioners have used to prioritize projects ranging from bike parking to raised crossings.Speaker:
- Laughton Elliott-Deangelis, SRTS Coordinator, Springfield School District,
- Sarah Mazze, SRTS Program Manager, Eugene 4J School District
- Abra McNair, Communication and Special Projects, PBOT
Walk and Roll Poster Contest and E-Toolkit Webinar
Learn about the fun new options for continuing walk and roll education and encouragement through the Summer months.
- Whitney Bennett, SRTS Coordinator – Commute Options
- Lindsay Huber, Education Programs Manager – The Street Trust
ODOT SRTS Grant Opportunity
In the spring and summer of 2020, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) will solicit proposals for the second round of new Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Construction funding and Planning assistance. ODOT staff will present a program overview and answer questions about this new opportunity. The presentation will cover SRTS Construction Program specifics including, timeline, eligibility, proposal selection process, match requirements, and proposal development tips. The target audiences include city, county, tribes, transit agency staff, and interested public school representatives. Workshop is open to the general public.
- LeeAnne Fergason, SRTS Infrastructure Manager
Action Plan Webinar
The Oregon Safe Routes to School Action Plan is a community-based approach for increasing rates of active school travel. School staff, parents and students work together with community stakeholders, such as city or county staff, non-profits and public health officials to create the SRTS Action Plan. Learn about the template, how to use the online login and develop the plan for your schools.
- Brian Potwin, Executive Director, Commute Options
Equity and Communication
While schools are closed, it is a good time for SRTS providers to develop communication tools to engage with school families now and in the future. Learn about best practices for reaching diverse audiences, how to create accessible documents (print, online, and video), inclusive language, and graphic design that is engaging and reflects the community. We’ll also provide some tips for applying behavioral theory for more effective communication, with specific examples from Portland and nation-wide SRTS programs.
- Hannah Day-Kapell, Principal, Alta
- Corrine Montana, SRTS Coordinator, Portland Bureau of Transportation
- Xao Xiong, Portland Bureau of Transportation
Beyond the Physical: Mental and Social Benefits of Walkable Communities
Walking and walkability is not only good for our bodies, but it’s also good for our minds and interpersonal relationships. Learn about the myriad of benefits of walking that extend beyond our individual physical health. This webinar is intended for those who are familiar with topics and issues related to walking and walkability.
Attendees of this webinar will be able to:
- Explain how walking and walkability are associated with social connectedness and a positive sense of well-being.
- Give examples of the mental and social benefits correlated with walking and walkability.
- Discuss ways walking advocates should be engaging with topics related to this work.
- Crystal Bowne: Program Manager, America Walks
Going Big: Using Walk to School Day to Advance Road Safety for Everyone
Learn how Walk to School Day and Vision Zero can join together to lead an entire community towards creating safer places for walking, biking and driving. Each October Walk to School Day events are energizing and get students, families, community leaders and school officials excited about the benefits and possibilities of safe walking and biking to school. Vision Zero is being used by communities across the country to commit to zero traffic deaths and serious injuries. Already, half of surveyed Walk to School Day organizers said their events lead to policy and engineering changes that improve the safety of walking and biking for students throughout the school year. This can spark change to make it safer for the entire community. Hear concrete action steps for how you can start or join action in your community and what applying a “Vision Zero for Youth” approach looks like.
- Nancy Pullen-Seufert: Director, National Center for Safe Routes to School (coordinators of Walk to School Day since 1997, at walkbiketoschool.org); Associate Director, Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
- Leah Shahum: Director, Vision Zero Network
Slowing Down Traffic Near Your School
Fast moving traffic around schools and neighborhoods prevents students from walking to school in some places. Nationwide, there’s growing recognition of the need to slow down traffic and prioritize safety through Vision Zero and other commitments to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries. However, in many places, efforts to lower speeds or control speeding can be met with public pushback or struggle to gain political support. Starting in school zones or areas where children frequently walk and bike may provide the support communities need to address road safety. Hear about ways to slow speeds around schools and examples of what communities have accomplished in making walking and biking to school safer.
- Seth LaJeunesse, Senior Research Associate, UNC Highway Safety Research Center
- Jo Anne Judge-Dietz, Public Health Nurse, Olmsted County (MN) Public Health
- Bethany Folsom and Mary Snodgrass, Safe Kids Huron Valley, CS Mott Children’s Hospital
Youth as Leaders in Improving Walking and Biking Safety
Through Vision Zero for Youth and events like Walk and Bike to School Day, communities come together to create safer places for youth to walk and bike. These efforts also provide an opportunity for youth in to take the lead in promoting safety near their schools and in their neighborhoods. Learn about the role of youth as agents of change from youth leaders who have been engaged in improving their environment for walking and biking and from organizations that work to empower youth as leaders in their communities.
- Alison de Beaufort, Founder, Vision Zero Youth Council
- Sandy Spavone, Executive Director, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
- Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Student Leaders
- Marcia Williams, Vice President of Community Service, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
- Grace Allphin, Vice President of Programs, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
Learn the Ropes: How to Start Your Safe Routes to School Program – Safe Routes to School National Partnership
New to Safe Routes to School? This webinar will highlight different types of programs and how each was started. Hear from city and school staff on best practices and ideas for how to start a program in your community.
Safe Routes to School Basics
This webinar will provide you with some general information about the SRTS program and discuss the following. What is Safe Routes to School? How the six E’s can be used to help affect change in your school community. The SRTS Action Planning Steps, Federal Funding, and available resources.
2019 ODOT Safe Routes to School Funding Opportunities – Oregon Department of Transportation
This webinar is for parties interested in applying for ODOT Safe Routes to School Infrastructure and Non-Infrastructure Grants. Viewers will learn about upcoming funding opportunities, and tips for how to apply.